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Whenever you are calling up an Attraction Record for editing or other operation, you will be presented with the Attraction Search Screen as shown above. By default, when opened, this form will display ALL of your Attractions with CURRENT SHOWINGS, grouped by attraction type, then alphabetized by title.
If you have a very large list of attractions to search through, you may wish to limit the list to a given category. In the example above, the category “Comedy” was selected. After clicking the Search Now button, the list will be trimmed to show only Comedy Attractions, again in alphabetical order by title.
You might wish to search by title. In the example above, All Attraction Types will be searched, for any title containing the letters "and". As shown, the only three matches are displayed. The more characters you type, the more limited your search.
You can also choose to search by Caption, Sponsor, Affiliate, Account or All Fields. You can also limit your results to Attractions with PAST Dates or NO Dates.
See Also:
Attraction Record
Attraction Categories
Schedule Record
Schedule Builder
Ticketing Menu