Help System

Check Out Finalize

When you finally reach the point where you click on the FINISH button during the check out processes, Trak Pro will begin to perform a series of rather complex tasks that are required to complete your sale or return.  These tasks are broken down into four broad categories:

■ Processing and recording any payments requiring communication with outside systems, such as Credit, Debit or Gift Cards
■ Recording all database records into your Trak Pro SQL Server Database
■ Generating any Tickets to be Issued
■ Generating any Receipts, Charge Slips and Other Documents.

There are quite a few computer instructions to be performed, and this will not occur instantly for large transactions, or at times of peak system use.  Please be patient during these times.

A series of up to 6 buttons will appear, depending upon what exactly was purchased. These buttons are for printing the various documents that accompany the transaction. Naturally, ALL transactions will have a RECEIPT. If any payments were via credit card, a CHARGE SLIP button will appear. If any tickets or gift certificates were purchased, buttons for those would also appear. Clicking any of those buttons will pull up a PDF file of that document for local printing.

You can also select to EMAIL THESE documents to your customer, if that is more convenient.

See Also:

Check Out