Help System

Quick Seat Statistics

When you RIGHT CLICK on a seat, the following Quick Seat Statistics panel will appear:

You cannot type in any of the fields, but the computer will fill in any information pertaining to the seat you have right-clicked on.  In this example the seat is M-5, in a section called RIGHT.  It is a Standard seat, in the Economy Pricing area.  It is currently Sold as a CHILD ticket for $66.00 to customer #17, Jason Hargrave.  There is no company information available about this customer.

Below the seat information area is an array of buttons.  Most provide operations on the selected seat, while four of them provide the means to select other seats in batch.

Operations on the Selected Seat:

Check Integrity
    This runs any SOLD seat through a check to see if there is an ISSUED TICKET, a MATCHING TRANSACTION, and a LINE ITEM DETAIL in that transaction.

Force Empty
    This UNCONDITIONALLY FORCES the selected seat to an EMPTY/AVAILABLE status.  WARNING: This DOES NOT refund money.  This DOES NOT generate a transaction.  This is used to correct computer/database malfunctions, or to reset a sold seat that a customer is donating back for additional sales.

Assign Customer
    This UNCONDITIONALLY ASSIGNS the selected customer to the the customer of record for this seat assignment. WARNING: This DOES NOT refund money.  This DOES NOT generate a transaction. This is used to correct computer/database malfunctions, or to change the customer a reservation is for WITHOUT releasing the seat.

Print Ticket
    This UNCONDITIONALLY REPRINTS a ticket for the SOLD seat selected.

    This performs an Integrity Check, then RECONSTRUCTS and RESTORES any MISSING database records.  For example, if the SOLD seat was missing a corresponding line item detail in the transaction of record, this action would reconstruct the missing detail.

Force Sold
   This UNCONDITIONALLY FORCES the selected seat to a SOLD status.  WARNING: This DOES NOT generate a transaction.  This is used to correct computer/database malfunctions, such as an interrupted internet sale.

Programmatic Selection Methods:

Select Entire Row/Table
    Selects all the seats with the SAME Row Label as the seat that was right-clicked on

Select Entire Section
    Selects all the seats with the SAME Section Designation as the seat that was right-clicked on

Select Entire Cost Category
    Selects all the seats with the SAME Cost Category Designation as the seat that was right-clicked on

Select All Seats of the Same Type
    Selects all the seats with the SAME Type Designation as the seat that was right-clicked on

See Also:

Venue Browser
Seat Selection Options
Seat Status Types