Help System

Setting the Ticket Delivery Mode

When a customer purchases tickets, there are typically six options for delivery:

1) The customer is standing at your ticket counter, so you are simply going to hand the tickets to them
2) The customer would like the tickets mailed to them
3) The customer would like the tickets held at Will Call for pickup.
4) The customer would like to print their own tickets at home.
5) The customer would like the tickets overnighted to their home.
6) The customer would like the tickets delivered by carrier pigeon.

At the TOP of the Shopping Cart Display, you will see a field for TIX DELIVERY. Clicking on the field will bring up the delivery options to choose from.


No further action is taken by the system. It is assumed that the operator is simply giving the customer their tickets.
The Tickets will be printed with an Address Header Ticket, and mailed to the customer the box office.  A Mail To Delivery fee defined by the ADMIN will be added to the order.
The Tickets will be printed with an Address Header Ticket, and held for pick up at the box office.  A Hold For Pickup Delivery fee defined by the ADMIN will be added to the order.


"Overnight" Delivery specifies an express courier, such as FedEx or UPS.  An Overnight Delivery fee defined by the ADMIN will be added to the order.
"Other" Delivery is not currently defined. An Other delivery fee defined by the ADMIN will be added to the order.
"Print At Home" is generally meant for internet customers, however, if you are assisting a Web Customer that is having difficulty, you can set the delivery to Print At Home so that the customer can handle his/her own printing.   A Print at Home Delivery fee defined by the ADMIN will be added to the order.

See Also:

Selling Tickets
POS Main Help
POS Screen Overview
POS Shopping Cart Display
General Admission Ticket Sales
Reserved Seating Tickets Sales
Reprinting Tickets