The Flying Iron Balls

Help System

The Flying Iron Balls

The Heavy Metal Rock Band "The Flying Iron Balls" does not exist.  In fact, it is just something of a rather personal joke, but since you have gotten this far in the HELP files, I might as well let you in on it.

Years ago, in the early 1980's, while working for an engineering firm, all the technical geeks were discussing radical plans for space exploration and colonization.  We discussed the idea of "herding" an asteroid of the right size, getting it to spin, and then heating it up with solar mirrors.  Since we could pick the asteroid we wanted, it would be one that is nearly 100% Nickel-Iron in composition.  Sufficiently heated, it would turn into a molten gooey blob of something close to Steel.  By detonating a sufficiently large explosive device in the center, the blob would "inflate" into a giant iron sphere, which, when cooled, could be used as a thick and durable space colony hull.

It would be a "Flying Iron Ball".  Of course, borrowing a line from Dave Barry, someone said, "Hey!  That would be a GREAT name for a Rock Band!" and The Flying Iron Balls was born.

I should copyright that name.