Cancel a Shopping Cart Entry

Help System

Cancel a Shopping Cart Entry

There are two times where you can cancel a shopping cart entry, in order to correctly enter the customer's order.  While you are engaging in a FOOD SERVICE Sale, during the sequence where you are "building" the customer's food order, a "Pre-Cart" list appears as you click POS Buttons.

Once an item has been ADDED to the Shopping Cart, the procedure to remove it is as follows:

Click on the Line Item to REMOVE to select it, then click on the DELETE ITEM button:

<--Click the DELETE ITEM Button

In the example above, we have selected MASHED POTATO to be REMOVED.  Note that this will also remove the SUBORDINATE ITEMS in the shopping cart, in this case the NO GRAVY modifier and the "PLEASE ADD 2..." comment.

See Also:

Main POS Help
Editing a Shopping Cart Entry