About Crystal Reports and Tick-It! Trak Pro

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About Crystal Reports and Tick-It! Trak Pro

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Whenever you see the CRYSTAL REPORTS graphic like the one above, you are reading about a report that was generated using the very popular report generator called CRYSTAL REPORTS.  With Tick-It! Trak Pro version 3, the reports were developed and shipped using Crystal Reports version 10.

YOU DO NOT NEED CRYSTAL REPORTS IN ORDER TO RUN/VIEW YOUR REPORTS!  Tick-It! Trak Pro ships will all the necessary components to run and view your reports.

IF YOU WANT TO EDIT OR CREATE NEW REPORTS, then you will want to purchase Crystal Reports 10 to do that.

Many of the report sections in Tick-It! Trak Pro are "smart", allowing you to build a variety of common reports with specific naming conventions, so that the program will automatically find and present your custom reports as choices to your operators.

For example, Tick-It! Trak Pro looks for report files that start with the letters CST to include in the Customer Listing report form.  Any report file beginning with those letters is presented as a choice automatically.  So, you might create several different customer listing reports, each for a different function, and name them as follows:


They will then automatically appear in the customer listing report selection.

See Also:

Internally Controlled Reports
Crystal Report Viewer
Report General Help