FGL Draw Horizontal Line

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FGL Draw Horizontal Line

FGL has two different line drawing commands, as well as a command that lets you specify how thick the lines being drawn will be.  Here are the commands to draw lines and specify their thickness:

<VXr>               Draw Vertical Line.  r is a number, such as 45
<HXc>              Draw Horizontal Line.  c is a number, such as 45
<LT#>               Line Thickness command.  # is a number, such as 5

Lines are drawn from the last position specified to the printer, either directly by an <RCx.y> command, or by the last printer cursor position used by the previous command.  The numbers you specify in the <VXr> and <HXc> commands are the length of the line drawn in dots.

The thickness specified in the <LT#> command REMAINS IN EFFECT until you specify another line thickness.

Here is some sample code below to illustrate line drawing:

<RC50,400>3 Horz Lines
<RR><RC150,400>6 Vert Lines

The output from the above code should look very similar to this:

See Also:

FGL Printer Commands