A Primer on the Friendly Ghost Language (FGL)

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A Primer on the Friendly Ghost Language (FGL)

A huge number of legacy ticket printers are out in the field that use a communication scripting language called FGL.

These are printers produced by:

Boca Systems
Practical Automation
Worldwide Ticketcraft (Microcom)
While version 3 of Trak Pro still supports FGL printers, it does so as "legacy" devices.  The new editors in version 3 assume Windows Driver printers, with FGL code generation using "helper tips" as legacy support.  You will probably never need to refer to, or use FGL commands directly, but should you need to, this documentation is provided.

The FGL language is an older standard, and bears a striking resemblance to web based HTML coding.  It is a compact and efficient way to send a document description for a ticket.  Instructions are sent to the printer in plain and open text, and as such, FGL printers can be controlled using just the Text Only printer driver included with all versions of Windows.

Since getting FGL programming documentation can be difficult at times, we have included this basic primer on FGL commands.  It is by no means exhaustive, but it should provide sufficient guidance to handle 99% or more of your ticket coding needs, if you use an FGL printer, and want to do something more "fancy" than our standard editor will allow, by imbedding additional commands to be sent.

While you should consult your printer manual for a complete treatment of the FGL language, here is an abbreviated list of key FGL commands, where characters in RED are parameters you will fill in with values:


Does This:



Row/Column command.  x,y are numbers, such as 3,45

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No Rotation Printing  (0°)

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Rotate Right  (+90°)

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Rotate Up  (+180°)

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Rotate Left  (-90°)

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Font 1 Characters  (5x7)

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Font 2 Characters  (7x10)

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OCRB Characters  (17x31)

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OCRA Characters  (5x9)

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Large OCRB Characters  (30x52)

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OCRA Characters  (15x29)

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Courier Characters  (18x30)

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Small OCRB Characters  (13x20)

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Prestige Characters  (25x41)

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Script Characters  (25x49)

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Orator Characters  (46x91)

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Courier Characters  (20x40)

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Font Height / Width Command, x is Height Multiple, y is Width Multiple

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BoxSize command.  x,y are numbers, such as 3,45



Draw Box command.  r,c are numbers, such as 150,450

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Draw Vertical Line.  r is a number, such as 45

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Draw Horizontal Line.  c is a number, such as 45

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Line Thickness command.  # is a number, such as 5

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Starting Point for Logos Only.  x,y are numbers, such as 3,45

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Print Downloadable Logo.  # is a number such as 2

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Clear Buffer command.  Clears any current ticket info.



Repeat command, where # can be from 1 to 9999.

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Print command.



Print and Eject command.



Print and Hold Ticket Image



Print No Cut  Hold Image command.



Print No Cut command.



Print Ticket Count command.

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Load Ticket Count.   1234567 is the number to load.

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Enable Inverse Printing

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Disable Inverse Printing

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Transparent Mode ON



Transparent Mode OFF



Barcode Expansion, where n is a number like 2

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Barcode Interpretation

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UPC Ladder Barcode, where n is barcode height

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EAN-13Ladder Barcode, where n is barcode height

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Code 39 Ladder Barcode, where n is barcode height

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2 of 5Ladder Barcode, where n is barcode height

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USS Codabar Ladder Barcode, where n is barcode height

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Code 128 Ladder Barcode, where n is barcode height

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UPC Picket Fence Barcode, where n is barcode height

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EAN-13 Picket Fence Barcode, where n is barcode height

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Code 39Picket Fence Barcode, where n is barcode height

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2 of 5 Picket Fence Barcode, where n is barcode height

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USS Codabar Picket Fence Barcode, where n is barcode height

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Code 128 Picket Fence Barcode, where n is barcode height

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Bar Code Ratio Adjust

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Graphics Bits Command



ASCII Graphics Command



Print Permanent Logo



Dot Row Offset



Printing Length Command



CRT Message Enable



CRT Message Disable



Status Request



Status Request



Status Request



No Status


This list is not intended to substitute entirely for you specific printer model documentation.  It is provided here as a convenience.

See Also: