FGL Height Width Command

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FGL Height Width Command

You can “stretch” text either horizontally or vertically, or both, simply by giving a Height/Width multiplier command to the printer.

The command to specify the text Height/Width ratio is <HWn,m>, when n and m are numbers from 1 to 5 or so.  (Anything larger and the lettering gets too distorted to read well)  The Height/Width multipliers last specified REMAIN IN EFFECT until a new set of multipliers is given, or a different font is specified.  So, if your entire ticket uses just one font face, scaled just one way, you need only specify it one time.

Here is some sample code below to illustrate font stretching:

<HW1,1>Font 3 NORMAL
<HW2,1>Font 3 stretched twice as tall!
<HW1,2>Font 3 stretched twice as wide!
<HW2,2>Font 3 stretched tall and wide!

The output from the above code should look very similar to this:

See Also:

FGL Printer Commands