FGL Font Selection

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FGL Font Selection

FGL Printers maintain 13 internal fonts that are different than the fonts Windows uses.  The internal fonts of an FGL printer are fixed bitmap fonts.  The availability and actual appearance of these fonts may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and from model to model.  Here is a list of the Fonts you can specify:

<F1>                            Font 1 Characters          (5x7)
<F2>                            Font 2 Characters          (7x10)
<F3>                            OCRB Characters          (17x31)
<F4>                            OCRA Characters          (5x9)
<F6>                            Large OCRB Characters (30x52)
<F7>                            OCRA Characters          (15x29)
<F8>                            Courier Characters         (18x30)
<F9>                            Small OCRB Characters (13x20)
<F10>                           Prestige Characters       (25x41)
<F11>                           Script Characters           (25x49)
<F12>                           Orator Characters          (46x91)
<F13>                           Courier Characters         (20x40)

(yes, Font 5 is missing from the list, as it was not documented in the thermal printer manuals)

The command to specify a font is <Fn>, where n is a number from 1 to 13.  The font last selected REMAINS IN EFFECT until a different font is specified.  So, if your entire ticket uses just one font face, you need only specify it one time.

Here is some sample code below to illustrate Font Selection:

<RC30,50><F1>This is Font 1 (it might be hard to see)
<F2>This is Font 2
<F3>This is Font 3
<F6>This is Font 6
<F2>These are simple font selection statements

The output from the above code should look very similar to this:

See Also:

FGL Printer Commands