Help System

3D Object Operations

While in the display quadrant editor, you may select one or more 3D Objects at a time.  When you have any 3D Objects selected the following operations panel will appear:

Operation What it Does:
De-Select Objects De-Selects the 3D Objects, and hides the 3D Objects Operation Panel
Move the 3D Objects Puts editor into a "Move 3D Objects" mode, where the block of selected 3D Objects follows the mouse.  Lift up on the mouse button to plant the 3D Objects where you want.
Set Elevation to Sets the elevation in space of the selected 3D Objects to the value entered in the numeric spin field
Set Object Angle Sets the rotation angle of the selected 3D Objects to the value entered in the numeric spin field
Set Object Color Allows you to pick the color for the selected 3D Objects.  Not all objects have programmable surface colors.
Move to Another Quadrant Deletes the 3D Objects from the current Quadrant, and copies them to another Quadrant, indicated by the pull down selector.
Copy to Another Quadrant Keeps the 3D Objects in the current Quadrant, and makes copies of them to another Quadrant, indicated by the pull down selector.
Align Horz Snaps the 3D Objects to align in a straight horizontal row
Align Vert Snaps the 3D Objects to align in a straight vertictal row
Delete the Selected 3D Objects This will DELETE the selected 3D Objects, and this CANNOT be undone.

See Also:

Seat Operations
Shape Operations
Label Operations
Display Quadrants

3D Viewer