Help System

Seat Operations

Whenever you have selected seats in the Display Quadrant editor of the Venue Builder, a panel will appear on the right hand side of the form, giving you choices of operations that can be performed on the selected seats.  The operations shown will ONLY apply to the seats you have selected, and NONE of these operations are available UNLESS you have AT LEAST ONE seat selected.

As you can see, there are 27 distinct operations available, and a few of those operations require some additional input or other user action. In order to keep things as readable as possible, this help screen will explain only the easiest of these operations.   For those operations requiring more detailed instruction, a link to a separate page that contains more specific and exhaustive instructions will be provided.

Operation What it Does:
De-Select De-Selects the seats, and hides the Selected Seats Operation Panel
Move Seats Puts editor into a "Move Seats" mode, where the block of selected seats follows the mouse.  Lift up on the mouse button to plant the seats where you want.
Rotate Seats Allows the operator to "spin" the selected seats about their "center of mass".  Learn More
Focal Point Sets the direction where the selected seats are pointing.  Learn More
Set Section Type Sets the section of the seats to that chosen in the pull down list.
Set Seat Type Sets the seat type of the seats to that chosen in the pull down list.
Set Pricing Category Sets the pricing category of the seats to that chosen in the pull down list.
Set X Coord (absolute) Set the X (right-left) coordinate of the seats by the amount indicated in the numeric field.
Set Y Coord (absolute) Set the Y (up-down) coordinate of the seats by the amount indicated in the numeric field.
Set Elevation (Z) Coord (absolute) Set the Elevation (Z) coordinate of the seats by the amount indicated in the numeric field.
Set Seat Angle Sets the direction that the seats pointed at.  Similar to Focal Point above, but this choice sets ALL the seats to the same angle.  Learn More
Set Best Available Index Sets the desirability of the seats to the number in the numeric field.   Used for Best Available seating selection.  Learn More
Seat Label Sets the Seat Label (or number) to the text typed in the entry field.
Row/Table Label Sets the Row Label (or number) to the text typed in the entry field.
Renumber from Left to Right Re-assigns the seat numbers, starting with the leftmost seat, using the number scheme indicated by the fields entered below the button.  The Increment MUST be numeric, and can be + or -.  The Starting Point can be a number or a letter.
Auto Assign To-Left & To Right Sets pointers for the seats indicating which seat is to the left or right of the other.  Used for Best Available seating selection.  Learn More 
Set Seat Comment Sets the Seat Ticketing Comment to the text typed in the entry field.
Move to Another Quadrant Deletes the seats from the current Quadrant, and copies them to another Quadrant, assigning them the section type indicated by the pull down selector.
Copy to Another Quadrant Keeps the seats in the current Quadrant, and makes copies of them to another Quadrant, assigning them the section type indicated by the pull down selector.
Adjust X Position (relative) "Scooches" the seats in the left-right direction by the amount indicated in the numeric field.
Adjust Y Position (relative) "Scooches" the seats in the up-down direction by the amount indicated in the numeric field.
Adjust Elevation (Z) Position (relative) "Scooches" the seats in the elevation direction by the amount indicated in the numeric field.
Equal Spacing X Re-positions the seats so that they are equally spaced out between the leftmost and rightmost seats.
Equal Spacing Y Re-positions the seats so that they are equally spaced out between the upper and lower seats.
Align Horizontally Aligns the Y of the seats, so that they form a straight horizontal line.
Align Vertically Aligns the X of the seats, so that they form a straight vertical line.
Delete the Seats This will DELETE the selected seats, and this CANNOT be undone.


See Also:

Shape Operations
Label Operations
3D Object Operations
Display Quadrants

Venue Display Quadrants
Venue Graphical Overviews
Venue Building
Seat Selection