Assembly Search

Help System

Assembly Search

Whenever you need to locate an Assembly Record for any purpose, such as editing the record, you will be presented with the following “Search Screen”:

In the example above, we have selected a specific Assembly Category to search, namely FILM / BATTERIES.  If we chose to, we could further limit the search by entering in text and selecting a field to filter by.  After you have set your search criteria, you can click on the big SEARCH NOW button to refresh the query, and view the results.

When you ask for a text search, for example by Assy Name, the program will attempt to find all Assembly names that BEGIN with the text you have entered.  For example, if you entered BL for your search text, the program would select:





You can use a wild card for broader text searches.  The wild card character is the percent sign ( % ).  If you put the wild card character IN FRONT of your search text, then the computer will find items that have the text you type ANYWHERE in the search field, not just at the beginning.  For example, if you entered %AC for your search text, the program would select:





You can select a record either by clicking on the line item to highlight the row, then clicking on the THIS ASSEMBLY button, or you can simply double click on the “record selectors” on the left hand side of the list. 

You can also control what is displayed in the search results, by selecting which fields you wish to see.  Displayed fields will have GREEN buttons, and fields that are hidden will have PINK buttons.

See Also:

Assembly Tutorial
Assembly Record
Assembly Categories
Searching for Inventory Records
Inventory Categories
Supplier Records
Common Database Record Controls
Image Options
The Inventory Menu