3D Viewer Menu

Help System

3D Viewer Menu

The 3D Viewer has a conventional drop down menu at the top of the form.

The following functions are available in the Drop Down Menu of the 3D Viewer:


Save Screenshot to File
Saves the current display as a file for use in your promotional documents.

Export Venue to WaveFront OBJ File
Exports your venue geometry into a format that is commonly used by other 3D rendering systems for additional virtual reality work.

Closes the 3D Viewer


Show View from Specific Seat
Allows you to specify any seat in the venue, then transports your location to that seat.  Learn More

Background Color
Allows you to choose the background color for the display.

Set this as the New HOME Position
"Remembers" your current location as the new starting point for displaying your venue

Directional Lighting Settings
Sets the position and direction of fixed lighting sources.  Learn More


3D Viewer Navigation Help
Launches this help utility

See Also:

3D Viewer