Donation Record Entry

Help System

Donation Record Entry

Donations of MONEY (Cash, Check, Credit Card) are ALWAYS recorded using the POS Module.  However, the procedure to record an IN KIND DONATION (not money) is always the same, and DOES NOT involve a transaction.  Find the Customer's Record using the Customer Search:

Click on the DONATIONS tab to see the customer's charitable giving history:

In this example above, we note that this customer has PLEDGED to cough up $50.00 in the future, and has ALREADY donated LABOR in the past.  Click on the RECORD A NEW IN KIND DONATION button to bring up the Donation Record screen:

Our customer Gary Adams has generously donated an estimated $250.00 worth of his time to work on refinishing the stage flooring.  Since this is an IN KIND donation, there is no transaction record or pledge record to go along with it.  The date that Gary worked was 6/16/2009.  In the notes field we documented his work.

See Also:

Donation Types
Fundraising Campaigns
Fundraising Menu
Customer Record