Pledge Records

Help System

Pledge Records

Pledges are PROMISES of Donations of MONEY (Cash, Check, Credit Card) at some future date.  The actual act of making good on a Pledge is ALWAYS recorded using the POS Module.  However, the procedure to record a Pledge from a customer is always the same, and DOES NOT involve a transaction.  Find the Customer's Record using the Customer Search:

Click on the DONATIONS tab to see the customer's charitable giving history:

In this example above, we note that this customer has ALREADY PLEDGED to cough up $50.00 in the future, and has ALREADY donated LABOR in the past.  Click on the RECORD A NEW PLEDGE button to bring up the Pledge Record screen:

Our customer Gary Adams has generously promised to donate $250.00 no later than 7/31/2009 to go towards the GENERAL FUNDRAISING Campaign.  Since this is a NEW Pledge, it has NOT been honored yet, and there is no transaction record to go along with it.

See Also:

Donation Types
Fundraising Campaigns
In-Kind Donations
Fundraising Menu
Customer Record