Closing Report

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Closing Report

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You can get a report of Closing Records by Operator:

Or by Operator:

As shipped, Tick-It! Trak Pro comes with several pre-defined Cash Drawer Closing Reports that have been constructed using Crystal Reports. There are two kinds of Cash Drawer Closing Reports, and which you use will depend upon how your organization closes cash drawers at the end of a shift:

If you track cash drawers BY OPERATOR (that is to say, each clerk is issued their own drawer that they use where ever they work), then you will want to use the Closings By Operator reports. All of these templates for closing reports start with the letters “CBO”, and end with the file extension “.RPT”.

If you track cash drawers BY STATION (that is to say, each POS Station is issued its own drawer and multiple operators run from that drawer during a shift), then you will want to use the Closings By Station reports. All of these templates for closing reports start with the letters “CBS”, and end with the file extension “.RPT”.

Tick-It! Trak Pro assumes that any file if finds matching these patterns in your working directory is a Closing Report template. You can use this to your advantage, if you ever create custom Closing reports, just make sure you name them “CBOsomething.RPT” or “CBSsomething.RPT” and they will automatically appear in the selection list as shown in the form above.

Click on the date controls to set a date range for the report. Select the report you wish to view from the list presented in the pull down control. Click the PRINT button to preview the report.

If you would like to see the report selection formula being passed to the Crystal Report generator, simply click the FORMULA button. This can be a useful aid in learning how to write custom reports, and debugging custom reports you have written.  An example of a typical report formula is shown below:

See Also:

Today's Transactions by Operator
Today's Transactions by Station
Today's Transactions by Payment Type
Standard Transaction Report
Daily Bullet Sales Summary
Transaction Listing Report
Memberships Sold
Sales Tax Collected
Postage Fees Collected
Internet Fees Collected
The 'Kitchen Sink' Report
Retail Sales Summary
Food Services Sales Summary
Aged Receivables
Closing Reports

Crystal Report Viewer