The 'Kitchen Sink' Report

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The 'Kitchen Sink' Report

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Many of our customers have asked for a single report that displays almost everything you would want to know about a given day’s transactions. Our response was this “All in One” report that summarizes sales for a specified date. Since it has almost everything, we have called it “The Kitchen Sink” report. This can be useful to track specific ticket and merchandise sales conducted at your facility.

The report generator controls look like this:

The four primary control buttons run along the left hand side. They have the following functions:
This will cause the program to re-query and re-tabulate the report. Depending upon your options and date range, this could take several minutes.
This will print your report on the default printer, or whatever printer is selected with the button detailed below.
You can save this report as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for further processing and tabulating.
This exits the report generator form.

You can tailor the “Kitchen Sink” report by turning sections on or off. The following sections are available to selectively display:

Sales and Revenue Summary
This section will tabulate the SALES, TAXES COLLECTED and the PAYMENTS TENDERED for the selected date. It will also break these down by Method of Payment.

Tickets Issued on this Date
This section will tabulate by Attraction, the number and revenue for each ticket type SOLD on the date selected. REMEMBER, these figures are for SALES CONDUCTED ON THE DATE SELECTED. The tickets being sold could be for attractions held ANYTIME in the future.

Summary for Events HELD on this Date
This section will tabulate by Attraction, the number and revenue for each ticket type SOLD at ANY TIME, for ATTRACTIONS BEING HELD on the date selected. REMEMBER, these figures are for ATTRACTIONS BEING HELD ON THE DATE SELECTED. The tickets could have been sold at any time.

Ticket Types by Payment Method
This is actually two sections in one:

The first section will tabulate the number and revenue for each ticket type SOLD on the date selected. REMEMBER, these figures are for SALES CONDUCTED ON THE DATE SELECTED. The tickets being sold could be for attractions held ANYTIME in the future.

The second section will tabulate the number and revenue for each ticket type sold for ATTRACTIONS BEING HELD on the date selected. REMEMBER, these figures are for SALES CONDUCTED ON THE DATE SELECTED. REMEMBER, these figures are for ATTRACTIONS BEING HELD ON THE DATE SELECTED. The tickets could have been sold at any time.

Memberships Sold on this Date
This section will tabulate by Membership Type, the number and revenue for each Membership type SOLD on the date selected.

Gift Cards Sold on this Date
This section will tabulate by Gift Card (Certificate)denomination, the number and revenue for each Gift Card (Certificate) SOLD on the date selected.

Retail Sales Summary
This section will produce the same report as the RETAIL SALES SUMMARY found in the transaction reports menu. However, for simplicity, the report will be for the date selected only, and will include ALL POS Menu categories. See also: Retail Sales Summary Report

Food Service Sales Summary
This section will produce the same report as the FOOD SERVICE SALES SUMMARY found in the transaction reports menu. However, for simplicity, the report will be for the date selected only, and will include ALL FOOD Menu categories. See also: Food Service Sales Report

Note that this is one of the few reporting features that is NOT based on a Crystal Report. This set of tabulations is performed using internal, hard-coded procedures in the program, and you cannot modify them externally.

See Also:

Today's Transactions by Operator
Today's Transactions by Station
Today's Transactions by Payment Type
Standard Transaction Report
Daily Bullet Sales Summary
Transaction Listing Report
Memberships Sold
Sales Tax Collected
Postage Fees Collected
Internet Fees Collected
The 'Kitchen Sink' Report
Retail Sales Summary
Food Services Sales Summary
Aged Receivables
Closing Reports

Crystal Report Viewer